Combining wikis and blogs for joint document editing

When thinking about possible ways of working out an on-line writing project of this kind, I was inspired by Laura Cohen's post "Why Can't a Wiki Be More Like a Blog?" on her blog Library 2.0: An Academic's Perspective. Wikis are great for collective editing, but discourages people who "just" want to add comments. Blogs on the other hand don't have the collective editing feature. Why not create a mix, a sort of Wikiblog? An example of a half-way solution that Laura Cohen mentions is the annotated edition of The Iraq Study Group Report which shows a very nice comment system where you can open windows and comment on each paragraph in the document. Says Laura: "Wikis and blogs could benefit from incorporating each others' features. This could move us toward a truly full-featured integrated publishing platform in which the best of both systems are available".

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